Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Round 3...

It's hard to believe that Round 3 took place yesterday, officially marking the half way point in Brad's fight. It is my deepest hope that when June arrives and Brad completes his 6th and final cycle he will be in remission.

Avery is on Spring Break this week so he came to Brad's session again yesterday. Little did we know that Avery snuck his little friends Dinkles (the blue bunny) and Streaks (the leopard) into his bag so that his Dad would have something to cuddle with during chemo. Brad was absolutely thrilled and pretended to LOVE the animals, as you can see in the picture. We have NO idea where Avery gets the names for his stuffed animals, but there they are in all their glory!

We returned to the hospital again today for Brad's $7,985 Neulasta shot - that's the one that helps raise his white blood cell count. Just being out for a short period of time wiped him out all afternoon.

Yesterday and today have been horribly emotional days for me. Once I start crying, I simply can't seem to stop. Brad is so physically and mentally worn down, which of course he doesn't want others to believe. It makes me so "down to the bones" sad. Today was the first day since Brad started chemo that when I looked at him he actually looked beyond exhausted. He has tried to stay awake much of the day so that he can sleep through the night and only use his sleeping pills when necessary. I sometimes feel like I want to lock myself inside the house and pretend none of this is happening. A bigger fear is that I don't want to leave Brad's side while he recovers from his sessions. The feelings of being a horrible employee, housekeeper, friend, etc... are all deeply embedded right now and I don't quite know how to make them go away or feel like I am effective at any of my roles right now.

Brad found out about this really cool kids camp called Camp Kesem from someone on facebook. "Kesem" is the Hebrew word for "magic" and the camp is offered at several colleges and universities around the United States. After doing a little research, we found out that the University of Virginia and University of Richmond are two schools who offer this camp here in Virginia. The camp is a free, one week sleep away camp for kids who have a parent who is currently facing or is a survivor of cancer. When we talked to Avery about it he was SO excited about maybe going. We have done the initial paperwork for Avery to attend camp in Richmond, so please pray that he is accepted. As an only child, it would be so amazing for him to connect with other children who are dealing with some of the same emotions. It would also be a wonderfully therapeutic outlet for him and allow him some time to be a kid.

This Friday night is Relay for Life at Virginia Tech. Although I anticipate this year's event to be a highly emotional one for me, I look forward to walking in honor of Brad and having Avery right next to me each step of the way. I'm hoping Brad can gather enough energy for a quick appearance, but if not, we will relay with him in our hearts and as always, on our minds.



Kelly said...

Our prayers are with your family. Hang in there...congrats on the 1/2 way point. I'll pray that the remaining treatments go quickly for you all.

Anonymous said...

Still thinking of you each day Sandy! Hang in there and know that tomorrows run is for YOU! I hope the second half builds everyone up with more strength each day! Love you! -Jennifer VanBeek-Stockdale

Jilladair said...

Question 1. How much can you love the Wirts? Answer. Infinity.
Question 2. How dang cute is Avery & Brad with Mr. Dinkles and Mr. Streaks? Answer. Infinity.
Question 3. How absolutely gorgeous is Sandy?
Answer. Infinity!
Question 4. Who do we all know who is crazy enough to write this?
Answer. Disco (Brad, ask Sandy to explain ... I am still giggling way too hard to explain it myself!)
But I sure do love you all way beyond Infinity!

Unknown said...

watching Jeanne go thru this surgery has been difficult. I know her surgery pales to what you and Brad are going thru. I can only imagine how frustrating and useless you can feel at times. Although I only met Brad when we were there on vacation, I sense he is a very strong-willed person. Sometimes that alone is a stronger medicine than anything the doctors can give him. Just being by his side, holding his hand, and giving him that beautiful smile of yours might be just what he needs. Love you both,

Brad, Sandy and Avery said...

Kelly - thanks for the continued prayers - they are SO appreciated!

Jen - thanks for the running inspiration and for getting one in for me :) I finally got a great run in yesterday and decided that even though I haven't been training am going to participate in the half marathon on April 24th that I signed up for before Brad's diagnosis - it will be good "me" time.

Jilli - what to say except that I love you!

Ron - thank you for your message, especially when you all have your own challenges with Jeanne right now. I've been saying extra prayers for her and hope she's up and about soon. Love you guys!