Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Relapse...

Yesterday, Brad went for his 6 month PET scan and we were able to get the results yesterday afternoon. Sadly, the news was not what we wanted to hear and we have been told that Brad's cancer is "active" again. We were really hoping to get past July 16, 2012. Why do you ask?

If you haven't followed our story from the beginning and are just catching up, when Brad was diagnosed with his cancer in December 2009 and started getting information from his Oncologist at the beginning of 2010, one key piece of information that stuck with us, is that if Brad could make it past 2 years without a relapse, it would significantly decrease his chance of needing a bone marrow transplant. Because his cancer has again become active prior to the 2 years, we're not quite sure what this means regarding his treatment options.

We will meet with Brad's Oncologist (Dr. Fintel) on Monday, January 23rd. Please keep him and all of us in your thoughts as we explore the options that may be available and make the best decision possible. We're nervous, anxious and emotions once again run high for all of us. Thank you for your prayers and positive energy - we'll keep you posted on what happens next.

Much love,
Brad, Sandy & Avery


Linda said...

Brad, Sandy and Avery

I know how difficult this is, and I pray for you every day. By the Grace of God, this is a temporary setback and all will be well again for you soon.

Please know that positive thoughts can carry a lot of your load for you and whatever the outcome, God is with you.

Love, Prayers and Blessings,

Brad, Sandy and Avery said...

Thank you for your sweet message Linda - I apologize that I'm just seeing it now. We are thankful that through all of this, Brad does have such an amazing attitude. With our ever growing faith, I know we'll come out fighting strong and hard.
