Sunday, December 27, 2009


For those of you who may not know anybody with a seizure disorder, epilepsy, like cancer comes in many forms. I have what is called "absence seizures" which are small seizures that typically last only a few seconds and are kinda like little "spacey" episodes. If I were speaking to you and one occurred (which happens daily), you probably wouldn't recognize it. Throughout the years since my diagnosis in 2003, Brad has gotten excellent at detecting when I am having one and encouraging me to rest when it does.

It's apparent that the stress of Brad's recent diagnosis is having an impact on my epilepsy. The "triggers" that can encourage a seizure for one with epilepsy include: severe illness (often times with fever), being extremely tired, overly stressed and extreme heat. For me, when the right combination of items come together it triggers the more familiar grand mal seizures, which are the larger, convulsing kind, that people more often think of when they think about epilepsy.

Yesterday, in an attempt to get back on track with running so I can train for a half marathon that I am registered to run in April and to relieve some stress, I decided I was going to run on our treadmill at home. I was even wearing my new favorite running pants that Santa lovingly brought me the day before! I decided to make it a short run of 3.1 miles. I know that I was near the end of my run and happily blasting the soundtrack to the show GLEE! in my face, when I woke up to Brad screaming at me.

Yep, you guessed it - I had a grand mal seizure while running. I was out cold (at least that's what Brad tells me) and had been completely thrown from the treadmill. I'm assuming it's the stress, combined with the heat from running and being a little tired. When Brad finally got me to get up off the floor so he could get me to a chair to sit for a moment, I realized I was pretty knocked up. On the outside of each of my hands I have missing layers of skin. I'm pretty banged and bruised up all over and in general, quite sore. After a grand mal seizure occurs, one is exhausted and quite literally, I spent the rest of the day in bed. Since we're getting so good at taking pictures of the good, the bad and the ugly, yep, those are my hands in today's blog.

Remember a couple entries ago I mentioned that Brad needed a good ole' fashion sobbing session? Well, he did tell me he cried his eyes out when he heard me go down on the treadmill and raced down to our basement. While not the most optimal of circumstances, I told Brad that maybe my seizure was God's way of making him cry so that he could relieve some stress. Brad was hoping for another route.

We're hoping to leave our house today after literally not stepping foot outside for the past several days. I'm fine and Brad has stopped taking his pain medicine from his surgery so he's awake and making a little more sense now. If you hear of a happy-go-lucky couple in Roanoke getting run over by a bus today, assume it was us. All jokes aside, thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers.



Jen said...

Scary, scary, SCARY! Glad you two are ok.

timi said...

OHMI Sandy, i am glad that scrapes and bumps and bruises was all after that awful fall. take care